I’ve been watching Francis Chan on Youtube lately, and I’m really loving his messages!
The video below really hits home. It’s about being Fearless… and in this part of the video he talks about giving. Watch the video and then below I’ll share my story about giving below.
Francis Chan – Fearless
I remember when I thought I never had enough money to give, heck, I still feel that way. But, last summer I started giving a little more than normal. Then I started giving to my church 10% of my checks that came in. Then… I started giving 10% of my income BEFORE taxes and anything being taken out.
I’ll tell you what, I was scared. I kept thinking, how am I going to pay my bills. Well, you know what? God ALWAYS provided for my needs, and always will provide for my needs.
I remember last month I kept thinking, I’d really like to put some of that money away rather than give it away. But God kept urging me to give it away, so I did. And guess what?! One of my affiliate marketing accounts I have made a huge sale and… it was, get this, 40 cents lower than what I just gave away.
God provided a way for me. He has ALWAYS provide a way for me. The more I trust him the more it seems he gives me… and I’m not just talking about money, but time, enjoyment, love, etc. It’s amazing.
Just remember, “God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.” -2 Timothy 1:7
Keep on trusting, keep on being fearless, and keep on being a Light in the World!